Criminal Records Check - National & Local Level
(Major & Lower Offenses)
Area Searched: Russian Federation
Search Period: 3-7
Period of investigation: Standard, to 3 — 7 days

Criminal Records Check - National & Local Level

Detective agency provides a private detective service for checking information on presence (absence) of criminal records and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or information about the termination of criminal prosecution of citizens.

The applied method of private investigation includes search for and discovery of factual evidence supporting or denying the version of the detective’s customer about the presence (absence) of criminal records and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution, or the version of termination of criminal prosecution of a citizen.

The required data is obtained by a non-procedural way, i.e. as a result of conducting private investigative activities. The check is only of preliminary, tentative nature and its results require confirmation by evidence collected on the case. To obtain legally relevant official information, we recommend you to refer to the regional office of MVD of Russia.

The source of the information service are the texts of judicial acts passed by the Supreme Court as the court of appeal, cassation or supervision in an online environment in the form established by the relevant law on the merits of the case considered in the exercise of criminal proceedings. Texts of judicial acts are also published on the official website of the Supreme Court in the Internet in an open data format, are anonymized and do not violate the existing laws in the field of personal data.

The detective agency’s response “Information available” means that information on criminal records and (or) facts of criminal prosecution or about termination of criminal prosecution of a citizen has been found  based on the details specified in the request.

The detective agency’s response “No relevant information found” means that no information about criminal records and (or) facts of criminal prosecution or about the termination of criminal prosecution of a citizen has been found based on the details specified in the request.

The detective agency’s response “No relevant information found. Specify the details of the request” means that no information has been found based on the details specified in the request. This response can be obtained in the following cases:

  • in case of specifying in the request of a wrong (non-existent) first name, family name, patronymic, date of birth, address of place of residence of the subject of the inspection;
  • If, when completing the request, a mistake (misprint) was made in information about the subject of the investigation.

In case if a mistake (misprint) was made in the request when stating the full name, address or identity document details, a new request shall be generated, paid and submitted specifying correctly all the necessary personal data about the subject of the inspection.

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Search Notes

Obtained from courts.The data is searched throughout all authorities of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the cases which are being and have been heard since 2002. The main source of information is the Judicial Paperwork and Records Management Information System of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation developed in accordance with the requirements of procedural laws of the Russian Federation, other laws and regulations, instructions, as well as orders and decrees of the senior executives of the Supreme Court.

Required Data

Search results

The service provision result constitutes in: a written report of the
detective on the degree of business reliability of an individual